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Zhou Tingting, China's first university graduate who is deaf, studies in the United States and hopes to do something for other deaf-mutes in China in the future.       Curricula for full-time schools for blind children include: ethics, Chinese, math, knowledge ABC, nature study, society, physical culture, music, handwork, life guidance and labor. Curricula for schools for deaf-mutes include: ethics, Chinese, math, elementary knowledge, rhythm, physical culture, drawing, handwork and vocational skills. Curricula for schools for the mentally retarded include: elementary knowledge, Chinese, math, music, art designing, physical culture and labor skills.
       There are two kinds of teaching materials for special education in accordance with differences between town and country and with regional differences: one set is for nine-year special education and the other set for six-year special education. In general use at present is a set of special education teaching materials of the 1998 edition to be used at the nine-year compulsory education stage, which was published by the People's Publishing House. The set has three categories, all to be used on a trial basis, one for the mentally retarded, one for deaf-mutes and the other for the blind. Every category has more than 100 varieties, with the total variety of teaching materials exceeding 400. The set of teaching materials lays emphasis on capability cultivation, is flexible and optional in content, and contains a vocational education content.
